Sunday, September 13, 2009

Laser Sailing Song

Sam Chapin over at How to Sail the Laser has suggested as a Laser fleet-building idea that we should "write a Laser sailing song."

Hmmm. Now there's a thought.

Anyone want to have a go at writing a Laser sailing song?

Or failing that, any suggestions for a song that I could write a parody of and turn it into the official Laser sailing song?


Carol Anne said...

What do ye do with a Laser sailor?
What do ye do with a Laser sailor?
What do ye do with a Laser sailor ...
Earleye in the mornin'?

CHORUS: Hoo-reye, an' up she rises,
Hoo-reye, an' up she rises,
Hoo-reye, an' up she rises,
Earleye in the mornin'.

Make 'im do reps on his hiking be-ench,
Make 'im do reps on his hiking be-ench, etc. and so forth ...
Earleye in the mornin'.


Force 'im to choke down Uncrustabu-uls ... etc.


Make 'im go sailing against "those gu-uys," etc.

Give 'im a great sailing bay in Rhode Island, etc.

(At this point, I invite all readers to contribute their own verses to this project. Together, we can make a fine sea chantey.)

Finally ...

Give 'im a blog, so he can be heard,
Give 'im a blog, so he can be heard,
Give 'im a blog, so he can be heard,
Earleye in the mornin'.

Just a thought ...

Tillerman said...

Thanks Carol Anne. Love it. I've just posted another one myself and I see that another lady sailor has sent me several suggestions via email.

Keep 'em coming.

O Docker said...

99 Laser boats rounding the mark,
99 Laser boats round,
Crash one out,
Coming about,
98 Laser boats rounding the mark.

98 Laser boats rounding the mark...

Repeat until your coach tells you to shut up.

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